Tag Archives | Sandy Rustin


STRUCK at NJ Rep is Engaging and Intriguing

“It feels like the universe is trying to tell me something.” -STRUCK The World Premiere of STRUCK by Sandy Rustin is now onstage at New Jersey Repertory Company (NJ Rep) through July 31st. With meticulous direction by Don Stephenson and featuring a stellar cast, this show is both entertaining and thought provoking. STRUCK strikes the […]

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‘Struck’ in NJ Rep world premiere

by Tom Chesek view article on app.com In “Struck,” the play that goes up in its world premiere this weekend at New Jersey Repertory Company in Long Branch, a woman finds her routine life taking an unexpected, maybe even cosmic turn when she is hit by a bicycle while crossing a New York City street. […]

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NJ Rep Announces Cast of STRUCK

view article on BroadwayWorld.com New Jersey Repertory Company, 179 Broadway in Long Branch, is proud to announce the cast of the World Premiere, STRUCK by Sandy Rustin.After being struck by a bike while crossing an East Village intersection, Vera Resnick feels an eerie, outer-body connection to the college-aged student responsible for the collision. Is this […]

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The Huffington Post

‘Cottage’ The Place for Summer Theatre In Aspen

by Michael Conniff view review on HuffingtonPost.com ASPEN, COLORADO—To say a play is “dated” is to confine it to the dustbin of history and simultaneously to leech the story of any contemporary meaning. In a movie, being dated is an irrevocable curse that can arrive with the wrong soundtrack or a cellphone as big as […]

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