Archive | Reviews

The Huffington Post

‘Cottage’ The Place for Summer Theatre In Aspen

by Michael Conniff view review on ASPEN, COLORADO—To say a play is “dated” is to confine it to the dustbin of history and simultaneously to leech the story of any contemporary meaning. In a movie, being dated is an irrevocable curse that can arrive with the wrong soundtrack or a cellphone as big as […]

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The New York Times

Frisky Comedy and Hotel-Room Farce

by Michael Sommers read review on One of the nicest features of the Broadway revival of Ken Ludwig’s “Lend Me a Tenor” back in 2010 was John Lee Beatty’s creamy rococo hotel suite where the operatic characters dashed about. The Paper Mill Playhouse’s exuberant staging of “Lend Me a Tenor” in Millburn utilizes Mr. […]

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The New York Times

Despite an Arduous Start, ‘1776’ Educates and Entertains

by Naomi Siegel view review on The Congress is in obstructionist mode. Conservatives and liberals lock horns. Debates about taxes, an escalating war, the erosion of human liberties and a restructuring of the social order end in stalemate and standoff. “Piddle, twiddle and resolve; nothing ever do we solve,” is the way one wag […]

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